FastPokeMap for Pokemon Move & Its Best Alternatives


By Jack

Update on


You have probably ended up reading this article because you are interested in FastPokeMap.

We have composed this article covering valuable information about FastPokeMap for Pokemon Move and its alternatives for Pokémon Go fans.

What Exactly is FastPokeMap?

FastPokeMap is a special app that offers a tracking service for Pokémon Go players. It can discover the location of any Pokémon character that is already found by other players.

This is an easy-to-use tool that comes with simple but effective features. This is mainly useful when you have to find hidden Pokémons.

First, it will perform a scan on the surrounding area and will help you to catch the closes Pokémon. It gives all the nearby Pokémon for the region you are playing. These Pokémons could be selected by you or the other players on the map.

FastPokeMap is a third-party app. It works as a tracker, and the app is developed by Pokémon Go enthusiasts.

It is developed with the view of helping other Pokémon Go users. With the assistance of this app, you can find all the Pokémon characters that are hiding closer to you.

You don’t need to roam here and there as long as you use this tool. The most interesting thing about this app is that it allows you to search with a single click. The trackers of FastPokeMap will start to scan the area around you. Then, it will expose the reallocation of Pokémon Go in the preferred area.

Another significant benefit associated with the FastPokeMap tracker is that it shows the information of the respective Pokémon. For instance, it shows the name of the Pokémon, its looks, and the expiration time.

With FastPokeMap, you will be able to find the exact location of the Pokémon. Also, it shows how long the respective Pokémon will be staying there. This app allows you to save your precious time. In addition to that, it helps you to catch Pokémon with less effort and energy.

PS: everything about Pokemon Go fake GPS for Android & iOS here.

What exactly is FastPokeMap

Features of FastPokeMap

This section of the article explains the most important features associated with FastPokeMap.

  • It can provide you with a view of the nearby Pokémons.
  • FastPokeMap app is a very user-friendly option that can be used even by a novice individual.
  • It allows you to enter the vicinity to see the available Pokémon characters in your area.
  • You can simply type the place you want, and it will show the Pokémon Go video on YouTube Go.
  • You can use the Geolocation scanner feature of this app and test trendy Pokémon.
  • A handy location scanner is included in this app to hit the nearby Pokémons at once.
  • It can display when Pokémon expires.
  • Allow you to find all the Pokémons that exist within a walkable distance.

FastPokeMap has evolved into a very impressive tracker tool over the past period. In addition to that, it works as a perfect scanner map that is ever introduced for Pokémon Cross.

How to Use the FastPokeMap App and Track a Pokémon?

Below are the steps you should follow to track a Pokémon using FastPokeMap. You can use this app on any device you prefer.

For instance, you can use it on your iPhone, Android device, laptop, tab, or even a desktop computer. The only requirement for those devices is to have an internet connection.

With that said, let’s look at the steps you should follow to track down a Pokémon.

01. First, open a web browser on whatever device you are using and launch FastPokeMap’s official website.

02. Once the website is loaded, you have two options to try.

  • a. You can use the search option and manually find a location. This would allow you to choose a city or even a different country.
  • b. If not, you can use the exact GPS location tracking option. To perform this, however, your device must be GPS-activated.
use the FastPokeMap app and track a Pokémon

03. In this example, we use the option called “Find Location” and perform manual navigation. You can just click on the option called “Find Location.” Enter the city or the country name you wish to search for. Then, click on the button labeled “Search.”

FastPokeMap Find Location

04. Within a fraction of a second, you will be taken to the preferred location by FastPokeMap. You can now move freely and move across. You can either zoom in or zoom out on the map.

preferred location by FastPokeMap

05. After reaching the perfect location, you will have to tap on the map. Then, drop the location market there. As a result, you will be able to see a predefined scan radius from where the scanning will start.

predefined scan radius

06. You should wait for about 10-30 seconds to complete the scanning process. You must know that the duration of the scanning process will depend on the server load at the moment.

After the scan, you will see the scan button notifying it by changing the color. It turns green for a few seconds. Then, it will display the monsters that are found. All those Pokémon characters will be displayed within the respective scan radius.

display the monsters that are found

07. You can now tap on the bar located at the top-right corner. This will reveal a list of monsters found within the scan radius. To make it more interesting and convenient, it will also display pictures.

list of monsters found within the scan radius

08. You can now open the Pokémon Go app on the device you usually use to play. You can go to the location displayed in the FastPokeMap and then catch the monster.

What are the Alternatives to FastPokeMap?

Even though FastPokeMap works perfectly to catch Pokémon monsters, some still prefer to know about alternatives. There are plenty of alternatives to FastPokeMap. However, not all those tools work the same.

To make it easier, we did the research work for you and mentioned a few of them below. These FastPokeMap alternatives work fine as this writing, but we cannot guarantee how long they will operate.

01. PokeAlert

PokeAlert is another impressive alternative to FastPokeMap. It displays a notification automatically as soon as the app discovers a Pokémon nearby. This app can perform the scan even in the background.

So, if you want to catch more Pokémon in the desired location without wasting your time, try PokeAlert. The automatic scan repeatedly happens to maximize the possibility of finding a Pokémon monster. This app is available for Android phones and tablets.


02. PokeWhere

PokeWhere can be considered a pretty decent app to scan and show all the Pokémon monsters nearby. The best thing is that they show the monsters nearby in real time for your convenience.

Once the app is installed on the Android device, you will be able to discover plenty of Pokémon characters. It can find even the rare Pokémon characters, so you can catch them easily. So, this is a good option that allows you to catch monsters without necessarily wasting any time.


03. PokeHuntr

This option comes as an online Pokémon scanner service. It works pretty similarly to FastPokeMap. You can use PokeHuntr to discover and track down Pokémon regardless of their location.


In addition, let’s learn more about how to move in Pokemon Go without walking.

Making the Most of Your Tools: Tips & Tricks

Each of these tools can be a game-changer, but knowing how to wield them is half the battle. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your Pokemon tracking adventures.

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Remember, the goal is to catch ’em all. Use your tools to locate Pokemon, but the real fun begins when you’re out there, exploring and battling.

Join the Community

Each of these tools has a vibrant community behind it. Joining these can provide tips, tricks, and camaraderie.

Stay Informed

Keep yourself updated on the latest Pokemon moves and stats. This knowledge will make your tracking tools more powerful and your battles more victorious.

FastPokeMap for Pokemon FAQs

1. Is FastPokeMap Safe to Use?

Absolutely! FastPokeMap is as safe as a Snorlax in a food coma. Just remember to respect others’ privacy when you’re on your Pokemon hunt.

2. Which is Better: FastPokeMap or Its Alternatives?

It’s like choosing between Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle – each has its strengths and weaknesses. It all boils down to your needs and preferences.

3. Can I Use Multiple Tracking Tools?

Sure, you can! Using FastPokeMap along with its alternatives can give you a broader perspective and maximize your chances of catching ’em all.

4. Are There Any Costs Involved?

Nope! All these tools are free as a Pidgey on the wind. However, they might include optional in-app purchases.

5. Can I Contribute to the Tools?

Indeed! Most of these tools have an option for users to report Pokemon sightings, contributing to the community.

6. Can I Use FastPokeMap on My PC?

Yes, siree! FastPokeMap works smoothly on PCs, smartphones, and tablets.

Conclusion: Your Pokemon Journey Awaits

In the end, whether it’s FastPokeMap for Pokemon Move or its alternatives, they’re all tools of the trade. They can guide you, assist you, but the journey, the thrill of the hunt, the joy of the catch – that’s all you, trainer. So get out there, explore the world, and let these tools be your guide on your path to becoming the ultimate Pokemon Master.

Remember, in the world of Pokemon, the journey is just as important as the destination. So, keep your Pokedex handy, your Pokeballs ready, and let the adventure begin. You’ve got this, trainer! Catch ’em all!


Ten years of experience in information and computer technology. Passionate about electronic devices, smartphones, computers, and modern technology.